Our Mission
Pointing people to the truth of the Gospel means exalting and explaining the truth of who God is for us in Jesus and how we are to live in response to that.
Believing the gospel is not just the start of the Christian journey; it is the Christian journey. The gospel not only brings us in, it also builds us up. So it is our ongoing mission to point ourselves, our city and the world to the truth of who God is for us in Jesus and who we are in Him.
Our Vision
“The reason we point people to the truth of the gospel is so that our city and the world will make much of Jesus.”
We desire “to see our city and the world make much of Jesus.” Our vision answers the two big question: why and where. Why are we doing what we’re doing, and where is our church heading? Our vision comes out of Paul’s conviction that the truth of the gospel “bears much fruit” (Col. 1:6). And the “fruit” or result that we want to see is the name of Jesus magnified (Acts 19:17). Jesus said that the church would be empowered with the Holy Spirit “to glorify him” (John 16:14). This is why Paul said that he did all things so that “in everything Jesus would be preeminent” (Col. 1:18), so that whether by life or death “Christ would be magnified” (Phil. 1:20).
We are committed to being a diverse community of Christ-followers maturing together in our walk of faith, and living lives that demonstrate the truth of the Gospel in the West Palm Beach area. A healthy Truth Point Church will be welcoming to visitors—especially those who do not know Christ—and will be a place that boldly declares the Gospel in word and action. The apostle Paul was convinced the truth of the gospel “bears much fruit” (Col. 1:6). By God’s gracious will, Truth Point’s fruit will be measured in a maturing membership, membership growth by new expressions of faith is Jesus Christ, and new, growing churches in the US and the world.
Our Beliefs
Truth Point Church is a part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and affiliated with Redeemer City to City and Renew South Florida. Here are some of our core beliefs:
God is Triune (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
The Bible is the true, complete and perfect Word of God.
We are unable to save ourselves and, in faith, we depend on Christ alone as our Savior. We acknowledge him as Lord in every area of life, and we vow to advance his Kingdom on earth together.
We accept the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Larger Catechism, and the Shorter Catechism as summaries of Biblical doctrine.
If you’re interested in learning more, Kevin DeYoung wrote a great article we agree with called the The Essentials of the Christian Faith for the Gospel Coalition.
Our Story
In June of 2009, with the support of the Gulfstream Presbytery, Rev. Jeremy Mckeen and 9 others made a commitment to start worship services for a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America in West Palm Beach. TPC’s first Sunday service was held on August 2, 2009, in a living room, and then 7 weeks later the church held its first public worship service in the cafeteria of Bear Lakes Middle School (BLMS). In 2016, TPC elected its first Associate Pastor, Rev. Clint Delaplane. Worship services were moved from BLMS to the West Palm Beach Marriott Conference Center for two years, 2018-2019, and then to the Rosarian Academy theater from January 2020 to October 2024. In 2020 Pastor Jeremy stepped down in order to serve in New England, and in 2022 Rev. Matt Eusey was elected and received as the church’s new pastor. Pastor Matt came to TPC having served a PCA church for 7 years in Hawaii. In October of 2024, TPC joyfully moved back to its original public worship location at Bear Lakes Middle School.