“And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
Is Church Membership Important?
From the earliest of times, followers of Christ have recognized that God’s design is for blessings to come to and through the people He has gathered together into a community. That being the case, followers of Christ throughout history have also recognized no individual Christians (ordinarily) apart from the church. To be a follower of Christ is to be counted among the people of God, the Church. How does this affect our lives? Church membership enables us to implement the principles of accountability, encouragement, and commitment to the local body of Christ, as defined in the New Testament and practiced in the early church. (Romans 16:1; 1 Corinthians 1:2; 2 Corinthians 8:1; Acts 2:44, 46; 11:26)
“You cannot have God for your Father unless you have the church for your Mother.”
How Do I Become a Church Member?
1: Attend the “Discovering Truth Point” Classes
These classes typically meet on two consecutive Friday evenings and touch on topics such as why membership is important, membership vows, Truth Point Church distinctives, and next steps to membership. There is also plenty of time for Q & A. The classes are held in the houses of Pastor Matt and Pastor Clint with dinner provided. The evenings are times to not just learn about Truth Point Church but to get to know church leaders and others who are new to the church. Some great friendships have begun at DTP!
2: Submit a membership form and schedule an interview
In our denomination, it is the responsibility of the Session (the elders) to examine and receive new members. After you submit a membership form, an interview will be scheduled with an elder. At the interview you will be asked to share your faith story and to give your affirmation of the church’s membership vows. We welcome into our church family all who profess faith in Jesus Christ and are willing to be or have been baptized.
3: Official welcome into our church family
Once you’ve completed the process, you’ll be part of our new member presentation at a Sunday service. For those not baptized, this will take place at the new member presentation.